Black Dots On Airbnb Calendar 2024

What are the black dots on my Airbnb calendar?
What are the black dots on my Airbnb calendar? from

What are Black Dots on Airbnb Calendar 2024?

Black dots on Airbnb calendar indicate that the property is not available for booking on that particular date. It could be because the host has already booked the property for personal use or has blocked the date for maintenance or any other reason.

Why are Black Dots Important?

Black dots on Airbnb calendar are important as they give an idea to the potential guests about the availability of the property. It helps them in planning their trip and making bookings accordingly. As a host, it is crucial to keep the calendar updated to avoid any confusion or disappointment to the guests.

How to Check for Black Dots on Airbnb Calendar?

To check for black dots on Airbnb calendar, go to the calendar tab on the Airbnb website or mobile app, select the property, and scroll through the dates. The dates with black dots indicate that the property is not available for booking on that particular date.

How to Remove Black Dots on Airbnb Calendar?

To remove black dots on Airbnb calendar, hosts need to unblock the dates. They can do so by going to the calendar tab, selecting the dates with black dots, and clicking on the “unblock” option. Hosts should keep their calendar updated to ensure maximum booking and revenue.

What to Do if a Guest Requests Booking on a Date with Black Dots?

If a guest requests booking on a date with black dots, hosts should politely decline the request and explain the reason for unavailability. They can also offer alternative dates or suggest other properties that are available on the requested date.

How to Avoid Black Dots on Airbnb Calendar?

To avoid black dots on Airbnb calendar, hosts should plan their personal trips or maintenance work in advance and block the dates accordingly. They should also keep the calendar updated and ensure quick response to guest inquiries and booking requests.

What are the Consequences of Not Updating the Airbnb Calendar?

Not updating the Airbnb calendar can lead to confusion and disappointment to the guests. It can also result in double bookings, which can be a nightmare for hosts. Moreover, Airbnb may penalize hosts for not keeping their calendar updated, which can affect their ranking and revenue.

How to Maximize Revenue on Airbnb?

To maximize revenue on Airbnb, hosts should keep their calendar updated, offer competitive pricing, provide excellent customer service, and maintain a clean and inviting property. They should also respond to guest inquiries and booking requests promptly and provide accurate and detailed information about their property.


Black dots on Airbnb calendar are important indicators of property availability. Hosts should keep their calendar updated to ensure maximum booking and revenue. They should also provide excellent customer service and maintain a clean and inviting property to attract more guests and receive positive reviews.

Question and Answer

Q: What are Black Dots on Airbnb Calendar?

A: Black dots on Airbnb calendar indicate that the property is not available for booking on that particular date. It could be because the host has already booked the property for personal use or has blocked the date for maintenance or any other reason.

Q: How to Check for Black Dots on Airbnb Calendar?

A: To check for black dots on Airbnb calendar, go to the calendar tab on the Airbnb website or mobile app, select the property, and scroll through the dates. The dates with black dots indicate that the property is not available for booking on that particular date.

Q: What to Do if a Guest Requests Booking on a Date with Black Dots?

A: If a guest requests booking on a date with black dots, hosts should politely decline the request and explain the reason for unavailability. They can also offer alternative dates or suggest other properties that are available on the requested date.

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