Difference Between Cast And Calendered Vinyl 2024

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Difference Between Cast and Calendered Vinyl 2024


Vinyl is a popular material used for various applications, including signage, vehicle graphics, and window decals. There are two main types of vinyl: cast and calendered. While they may look similar, there are significant differences between the two. In this article, we’ll explore the differences between cast and calendered vinyl and their respective advantages and disadvantages.

What is Cast Vinyl?

Cast vinyl is made using a process called “casting,” which involves pouring liquid vinyl onto a release liner and allowing it to cure. This process creates a thin, flexible vinyl film that can conform to irregular surfaces and maintain its shape. Cast vinyl is typically more expensive than calendered vinyl but offers superior performance and durability.

Advantages of Cast Vinyl

Cast vinyl is ideal for outdoor applications, as it can withstand harsh weather conditions and UV exposure without fading or cracking. It also has excellent conformability, making it suitable for wrapping cars, trucks, and other vehicles. Cast vinyl also has a longer lifespan than calendered vinyl, with some products lasting up to 10 years or more.

Disadvantages of Cast Vinyl

The main disadvantage of cast vinyl is its cost. It is more expensive than calendered vinyl, making it less suitable for short-term or budget-friendly projects. Cast vinyl is also more difficult to handle and install, requiring specialized tools and techniques.

What is Calendered Vinyl?

Calendered vinyl is made using a process called “calendering,” which involves extruding vinyl through rollers to create a thin, flat film. This process creates a less expensive vinyl product that is suitable for short-term or indoor applications.

Advantages of Calendered Vinyl

Calendered vinyl is less expensive than cast vinyl, making it a more budget-friendly option for short-term projects. It is also easier to handle and install, requiring less specialized tools and techniques. Calendered vinyl is suitable for indoor applications, such as wall graphics and decals.

Disadvantages of Calendered Vinyl

Calendered vinyl is less durable than cast vinyl and is not suitable for outdoor applications. It can fade and crack over time, especially when exposed to UV light and harsh weather conditions. Calendered vinyl also has limited conformability, making it less suitable for wrapping vehicles or irregular surfaces.

Question and Answer

Q: Which is better, cast or calendered vinyl?

A: It depends on your specific application. Cast vinyl is more expensive but offers superior performance and durability, making it ideal for outdoor and long-term projects. Calendered vinyl is less expensive but less durable, making it suitable for short-term or indoor applications.

Q: Can I use calendered vinyl for outdoor applications?

A: While calendered vinyl can be used for outdoor applications, it is not as durable as cast vinyl and may not withstand harsh weather conditions and UV exposure as well. If you need a vinyl product for outdoor use, we recommend using cast vinyl.

Q: Is cast vinyl more difficult to install than calendered vinyl?

A: Yes, cast vinyl is more difficult to install than calendered vinyl and requires specialized tools and techniques. However, if installed correctly, cast vinyl can provide superior performance and durability.


When it comes to choosing between cast and calendered vinyl, it’s essential to consider your specific application and budget. Cast vinyl offers superior performance and durability, making it ideal for outdoor and long-term projects, while calendered vinyl is less expensive and suitable for short-term or indoor applications. Whatever your choice, always ensure that you use high-quality vinyl products and follow proper installation techniques for the best results.

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