How To Bcc On Outlook Calendar Invite 2024

How to add bcc in Outlook
How to add bcc in Outlook from


Are you having trouble with sending calendar invites on Outlook? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. In this article, we will discuss how to BCC on Outlook calendar invite for the year 2024. With this feature, you can keep your meetings and events organized while keeping your email communication confidential.

What is BCC?

BCC stands for Blind Carbon Copy. This feature allows you to send an email to multiple recipients without them knowing who else received the email. BCC is a useful tool for keeping your email communication confidential and organized.

Why BCC on Outlook Calendar Invite is important?

When you send a calendar invite, it includes all the attendees’ email addresses in the invite. This can be a problem if you want to keep your email communication confidential. BCC on Outlook Calendar Invite is important because it allows you to keep the attendees’ email addresses confidential while sending the invite.

Step-by-Step Guide on How to BCC on Outlook Calendar Invite 2024

Step 1: Create a new calendar invite

To create a new calendar invite, open Outlook and click on the “New Appointment” button. This will open a new window where you can create your invite.

Step 2: Add attendees

Add the attendees you want to invite to the meeting. You can do this by clicking on the “To” button and selecting the attendees from your contacts.

Step 3: Add yourself to the BCC field

To add yourself to the BCC field, click on the “Options” tab and then click on the “BCC” button. This will open a new window where you can add your email address to the BCC field.

Step 4: Add the meeting details

Add the meeting details such as the date, time, and location of the meeting. You can also add a subject and any additional information in the message field.

Step 5: Send the invite

After you have added all the necessary information, click on the “Send” button to send the invite. The invite will be sent to all the attendees, and your email address will be hidden in the BCC field.

Question and Answer

Q: Can I add multiple email addresses to the BCC field?

A: Yes, you can add multiple email addresses to the BCC field. Simply separate the email addresses with a semicolon (;).

Q: Will the attendees know that I added myself to the BCC field?

A: No, the attendees will not know that you added yourself to the BCC field. Your email address will be hidden, and the attendees will only see their own email addresses and the other attendees’ email addresses.

Q: Can I remove myself from the BCC field after sending the invite?

A: No, you cannot remove yourself from the BCC field after sending the invite. The BCC field is only visible to the sender, and the attendees will not be able to see who is in the BCC field.

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