Why Do I Keep Getting Notifications On My Calendar Iphone 2024

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Ken Miyauchi Accidently Revealed the Release Date of Apple iPhone 11 from consideringapple.com


As technology advances, we rely more and more on our smartphones to keep us organized and on schedule. One of the most helpful features of the iPhone is the calendar app, which allows us to schedule events, set reminders, and keep track of our daily routines. However, some users have reported experiencing a problem with the calendar app, where they keep receiving notifications for events that have already passed or that they have already dismissed. In this article, we will explore the reasons why this might be happening and how to fix it.


Why do I keep getting notifications for events that have already passed on my iPhone calendar?


There are several reasons why this might be happening. The most common cause is that you have not properly dismissed the notification for the event. When you receive a notification for an event, you have the option to “Dismiss” or “Snooze” it. If you do not choose either of these options, the notification will continue to appear on your iPhone until you dismiss it.

Another reason why you might be getting notifications for past events is that you have set up a recurring event that has no end date. For example, if you schedule a meeting every Wednesday at 2:00 PM and do not set an end date, the event will continue to appear on your calendar and send you notifications every Wednesday, even after the date has passed.

How to Fix the Problem

If you are experiencing this problem, there are several steps you can take to fix it. First, make sure that you have properly dismissed any notifications for past events. To do this, go to your calendar app and look for any events that have a notification symbol next to them. Tap on the event and choose “Dismiss” or “Snooze” to remove the notification.

If you have recurring events that are causing the problem, you can edit the event to set an end date. Go to the event in your calendar app and tap on “Edit.” Scroll down to the “Repeat” section and choose “Ends” to set an end date for the event. This will prevent the event from appearing on your calendar and sending you notifications after the end date.


What if I am still getting notifications for past events after trying these solutions?


If you have tried the above solutions and are still receiving notifications for past events, you may need to reset your iPhone’s settings. To do this, go to “Settings”> “General”> “Reset”> “Reset All Settings.” Note that this will erase all of your customized settings, but will not delete any of your data or apps.

Alternatively, you can try deleting and reinstalling the calendar app. To do this, press and hold the calendar app icon until it starts to wiggle, then tap the “x” in the corner to delete it. Go to the App Store and search for “Calendar” to reinstall the app.


If you are experiencing notifications for past events on your iPhone calendar, it can be frustrating and distracting. However, by properly dismissing notifications and setting end dates for recurring events, you can prevent this problem from happening. If these solutions do not work, resetting your iPhone’s settings or reinstalling the calendar app may help resolve the issue. By taking these steps, you can ensure that your iPhone calendar is an effective tool for keeping you organized and on schedule.

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